Horror is a Worldview: Arnzen Interview at Zombie Mall


Brian “Brains” Hardin asks me some deep questions about my audio cd, Audiovile, on the blog for his neat horror shop, the Zombie Mall. Here’s an excerpt:

Q: How do you cope with those people in your life that just don’t get it?

Truth is, most people CAN be persuaded. First I try appeal to their reason: since horror is about fear, it is about humanity. If that doesn’t work, I try to educate them: many classic works of literature are horror stories. If that doesn’t work, I go for the gross-out joke.

But there’s always going to be somebody who is a stick in the mud against horror — usually harboring some old-fangled, puffed-up concern about moral and social virtue in fiction, even though they’ve never bothered to read a single thing in the genre. For them, there’s always voodoo.

But seriously: the reason I write weird stuff is BECAUSE there are people who “just don’t get it” and those are the ones we need to look out for: the closed-minded and censorious…

Read the interview. Learn more about Audiovile. Visit the Zombie Mall.