Here’s a typical “gorelets” poem…made with virtual refrigerator magnets on the “original” Fridge of the Damned. The fridge has been in cold storage for about a decade…but I thought you’d like to see this. Because — horror of horrors! — it’s nearly defrosted! And over the next few days you will find out about the surprising rebirth of this damned fridge in 2013!
You’ll likely be surprised. Mum’s the word for now, but for more vague teasers like this, drop by my flickr account for a growing set of photos, and do come back soon. And in the mean time, beware the Eater of Worms!

The original “Fridge of the Damned” was a virtual poetry magnet set hosted on, from 2001-3. Bascially, I deconstructed the poems from the original Gorelets series into tiles made up of weird and disturbing words, which visitors could slide around on the page and create their own horror poems. Nowadays, you can probably find similar games online or in phone apps, but it was pretty unique at the time, and writers of many stripes used to visit the page and leave their creations on a guestbook. In fact, at one point a number of horror poets got together and wrote a batch of poetry on the fridge that ended up published as a section of a book called Cemetery Poets!
I took the damned fridge down from the web sometime around 2003, as the guestbook and javascript it relied upon became outdated and buggy. But it cannot be contained… with the help of the good folks at Raw Dog Screaming Press,, and hopefully YOU, the Fridge door will be opening up again soon, and you won’t want to miss it! Watch this page or subscribe to The Goreletter for updates!
[Or click here… for our unique KICKSTARTER project! (See the kickstarter “update #1” for a video involving the above poem, too).]