Attack of the Bleu Man Group – Exclusive Halloween Audio Story

New Audio: Attack of the Bleu Man Group
Attack of the Bleu Man Group

by Michael A. Arnzen (3.33 mins)

DOWNLOAD .mp3 (3.4 mb)

Happy Halloween! For a surprise treat this year, I am releasing a new humorous zombie story, exclusively in audio format, called “Attack of the Bleu Man Group.” It’s a wacky musical number, as much as a bizarro fiction reading, in the style of Audiovile. Without giving too much away, I’ll just say two things about it: 1) yes, I meant to spell it “bleu,” and, 2) “zombie mimes in black berets”! 

Just crank up your speakers and press the red play button above. Or go ahead and download the .mp3 (3.43 MB — right click that link to save it to your computer) for free right now and listen to it whenever you like. (Free for personal use only. All other rights reserved.)

Comments welcome here on the blog, and please do let others know about this strangeness however you can.

If this sort of thing is your cup of tea, then I hope you’ll pick up a copy of my cd, Audiovile, which features 16 tracks just as strange as this one, featuring musically-enhanced stories from my book, 100 Jolts, and beyond. You can get it from iTunes or buy the cd itself via or the publisher, Raw Dog Screaming Press.

Happy Halloween!

p.s. You can find other audio streams here on, via the “audio” tag.


  1. I always knew something wasn’t right about those Blue Men!

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