ARCHIVE NOTES:\\ * Due to the temporary nature of internet URLs, some websites mentioned in back issues of the Goreletter may no longer be live, or may also point to unscrupulous web servers. I will try to denote these with overstrikes, red icons, and slashed globe icons as I discover them, but if you encounter a dead, changed or unscrupulous link, please feel free to inform me via email.\\ * “Boo Coupons” are expired in all but the current issue; providers may ask for subscription verification.\\ * If you are seeking a particular book by Arnzen mentioned in The Goreletter, try \\ * Arnzen's blog is now located at Visit it for breaking news and extras not appearing in The Goreletter. ---- Return to the [[goreletter:start|Back Issue Archive Directory]] The newsletter continues! [[ |Subscribe to the Goreletter]] ---- [<8>]