For the second half of January, Jennifer Barnes, my editor at Raw Dog Screaming Press, challenged readers and writers and students to post weird writing exercises, short responses to my Instigation prompts, and reflections, comments and pictures as part of a week long series she called “Arnzstigation Days.” Those who answered the challenge were listed on a web hub page and got to bear the bloody badge (pasted up above) with pride. Neat and weird and humbling!
It’s kind of weird being the subject of a creativity challenge — like a “roast” — only in this case, I was roasted the way they do it in the deepest levels of hell. I’m kidding. It was touching to read all these tributes to Instigation and support of The Fridge of the Damned.
You should go read their postings. These folks did everything from writing new short stories and memoirs to posting photo galleries and videos. I just wanted to let everyone know how awesome and endearing I found all this, and how honored I am to have helped spurn some fresh ideas. I don’t know what to say except to THANK EVERYONE and post a link to the websites of those brave souls who participated, because chances are very good that if you are here because you enjoy my brand of weirdness, you’ll enjoy theirs too. So — drum roll — a huge heap of gratitude to:
Jennifer Barnes | Matt Betts | Blake Burkhead | Scott Emerson | Douglas Hackle | Lee Allen Howard | Mike L. Kinshella | John Edward Lawson | Jessica McHugh | Mike Mehalek | Heidi Ruby Miller | Jason Jack Miller | Donna Munro | Emory Barrett Pueschel | Bruce Siskawicz | Madeleine Swann | Nora Thompson | Teffanie White | Zoe Whitten
All of these folks get a raucous round of applause from me. I have to royally thank Raw Dog Screaming Press for not only running this, but continuing to instigate ME into doing new things, too. This experience has energized me and reaffirmed my belief in the merit of the Instigation ebook project. Thank you all!
To return the favor in kind, I have Arnzstigated myself into doing a new horror song parody (akin to “Don’t Stop Bleeding”) in a mad dash before the official deadline. See what you make me do? It doesn’t make a lot of sense, but if you know the original song by Ten Years After that inspired it, you still might chuckle. I dare you to sing this at your local karaoke bar… or just to click the video at the bottom of this page and sing along.
“I’d Love to Change the World”
Everywhere is
Fitch & Crombies,
vampire zombies,
I can smell the insanity.
Scratch the itch,
blood will flow,
till there are no
ticks no mo.
I’d love to change the world.
But I don’t know what to do.
So I guess I’ll murder you.
keeps on breeding.
Virgins bleeding,
Still more feeding.
Undead’s funny:
hates the sunny,
brains are runny,
eats a bunny,
quite sloppily.
I’d love to change the world.
But I don’t know what to do.
So I guess I’ll murder you-oo.
Oh no!
De-fang the nation!
Blood filtration!
Mass starvation!
They’re pale and red!
Dumb and dead!
Hide in the shed!
Aim for the head!
I’d love to change the world.
But I don’t know what to do.
So I guess I’ll murder you.
Here’s a share of the original song that I found on youtube. Press play and sing along!