We’re moving into the season for literary conferences and conventions, and it feels like I’m crawling out from under a snow-covered mossy rock, so I thought I’d post a general update on things I’m planning to do after I blink away the sun blindness.
Among other things, I’ll be a guest at two big cons in the horror genre.
The 2016 World Horror Con in Provo, Utah runs April 28th-May 1st, and I’m fortunate to be one of the special guests. This promises to be an intimate con, with a great chance to hang out and chat with writers and artists over the weekend. I’ve got two presentations scheduled, along with a fun “kaffeeklatch” alongside Jeff Strand, and numerous panels on everything from music and poetry to humor and gore. See my event page or go directly to the WHC2016 website.
[UPDATE 5/3: you can find my con report for WHC here.]
I’ve attended many Bram Stoker Award banquets over the years, and these are always fancy events, tucked under the arms of someone else’s con or in a hotel for a business meeting. But now they’ve raised the bar to “convention” status for the first ever STOKERCON. I’ll be hosting a guest writing workshop at the conference, sitting on panels, and generally mingling about. You can find me on my event page or go directly to the StokerCon16 website.
The HWA actually interviewed me recently to talk about my “Making the Reader Squirm” workshop, so watch the StokerCon16 blog page for that to appear soon.
I’m also prepping for my usual weeklong stint every June as part of Seton Hill University’s MFA in Writing Popular Fiction residency. This time around I’m teaching a fun short course called “English 666: Advanced Horror.” LOL. If you’re a genre writer looking for a place to earn a Master’s degree while studying with professional authors in the fields of horror, science fiction, fantasy, mystery and more, then SHU is the place for you! Explorer the campus website to discover how to join this awesome program.
Though most of my time is devoted to writing right now, summer is already getting booked up and I’m looking into adding some new Fall/Halloween excursions (want to book me? inquire!) . So Subscribe to the Goreletter or keep your eyes on the upcoming events page on gorelets.com to make sure you stay abreast of the latest.
UPDATE: I have officially withdrawn as guest writer at the Winchester Mystery House Writer’s Retreat. To anyone who signed up for the chance to explore that creepy house with me, I apologize.
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