For one week only (7/14-7/21/22) I’m offering a special on some of the books I’ve got on hand, leftover from con trips and books signings! Get Play Dead, Grave Markings or 100 Jolts in paperback for just $9 each…or all three books in a bundle for $21 (while supplies last)! Postage is NOT included, but I will price it at an additional $2 for the first two books in the USA. (International orders will be an additional $15 postage total no matter how many books, no matter where in the world).
I will of course sign these copies and if you want me to personalize them, I will. In fact, when you submit your paypal, let me know in the comment if you want me to inscribe with an original poem, which I will write based on a roll of my Metaphor Dice.
To take advantage of this offer, your order needs to come through PAYPAL to arnzen@gorelets.com — or just click here: https://paypal.me/Arnzen
Tell me precisely which books you want if you are not ordering all three, and if it helps you do the math, here are the final costs with postage paid (ppd):
- 1 book = $11 USA ppd / $24 international ppd
- 2 books = $22 USA ppd / $33 international ppd
- 3 books = $25 USA ppd / $36 international ppd
p.s. I may have other books on hand if you’re interested, including the Audiovile CD and Fridge of the Damned poetry magnets. Because of their rarity, I must charge $15 US for those but I will cover postage free. Inquiries welcome.