[Note: this contest has officially ended. See results at the bottom of this post.]
Horror poet Stephanie Wytovich (author of Hysteria and Mourning Jewelry) and I will be live-tweeting horror haiku intermittently on twitter.com throughout Halloween night, from 7pm-11pm eastern. Anyone who retweets one of our poems tagged with #Haikuween (or who posts their own bloody #Haikuween tagged as such) will be entered into a random draw to win the infamous “Poedown” limited lettered CD (in a double-live case, coupled with the Arnzensongs CD).
This is a very rare treasure, as only selected backers of the Fridge of the Damned kickstarter campaign in 2013 have one of only 26 copies made. This is probably your only chance to nab one!
Here’s what our #haikuween looks like:
My costume tonight / is the skin of a large man / dressed as leatherface. #haikuween @JustAfterSunset
— Michael Arnzen (@MikeArnzen) October 31, 2014
Come join the fun!

Arnzen vs. Wytovich LIVE
Horror Poetry Slam at DV8 Espresso Bar & Art Gallery
Greensburg, PA 11/2/2012
Welcome to the Madhouse
Nurse in Ward One
Patient Muse
The Color White
A Killer Recipe
Another Nurse
Body Suit
The Stuffed Black Cat
Poe Remixes
The Fall Down the Stairs of the House of Usher
My Pet Vampire
Creasing His Collar
Evolution of the Senses
Twitter Poems
The Seven-Headed Beast
+ Bonus Tracks: Audiovile Demos
UPDATE: The contest has ended. A LOT of great poems were produced. Search twitter for hashtag #haikuween (or you can see mine in the “horror poem” section of The Nest). Be sure to check out Stephanie Wytovich’s poetry on twitter too — together we wrote haiku for four hours on Halloween night!
The winner of the contest was Eric Stoveken, who played along by posting the following horror poem:
Children's icy hands
Reach, I think, for the candy
Grab my wrist. I'm wrong
— E.M. Stoveken (@EMStoveken) November 1, 2014
Eric wins the rare, lettered, Poedown/Arnzensongs double-live CD!
For more contests like these in the future, be sure to subscribe to The Goreletter.