I’m still overhauling this website to consolidate things and make them easier for me to manage (so I can spend more time writing). I recently pulled my microblog from the Posterous website (and dumped my pinterest account) and those posts are now happily reintegrated into this blog, which I’m trying to make more active as a genuine blog and less of a page for only sharing Goreletter department drafts. I also started a new department on this blog, called “Ambulations,” to make up for it: it will feature mobile posts, road trip photos, and ideas jotted while on the move, essentially taking over what was formerly found on posterous. The newsletter will continue and I plan to release the next issue in early May, so feel free to subscribe.
I’ve yet to find a new suitable art/photo gallery for gorelets.com, so I decided to post a batch of artwork that was published here in the past to my flickr gallery site, where I’ve been posting digital experiments for two years now anyway. I’m not sure yet where or how I’ll share images of my book covers and other illustrations, but for now, I just wanted folks to know what was happening with the gorelets.com gallery. Go over to http://www.flickr.com/photos/gorelets/ and check out some crazy images I’ve created over the past few years — like that strange “Demonaurus” creature pictured above, which is one of my personal favorites.
I can totally relate to site overhauls. I’m going through a very similar thing myself; integrated my free-standing into my existing website so I can free up more time to write. Eye on the prize, right?