Just back from a “Provo-cative” weekend in Provo, Utah, where I attended the 2016 World Horror Convention as a special guest. It was a very intimate con, mistimed in the grand scheme of genre events this year (i.e., the first StokerCon is in Vegas next weekend — I’m going to that too), but having a smaller event led to tighter bonds as we all got to know each other better as professionals and people. They kept me VERY busy (I was on three-to-five programming events per day), so I didn’t take as many photos as usual, but I did manage to snap a few which I’ll post below. Shout-outs to everyone who I met (which felt like EVERYONE at the con), even if you’re not in the shots below. And in lieu of writing up a lengthy con report, I’ll just tag some comments in the captions of the photos. Enjoy.
THANK YOU to World Horror Con and the gang in Provo for inviting me out as a Special Guest. I was worked like a dog, yet given the royal treatment, and I totally appreciated both! And thanks to many old friends who came to support me throughout the weekend. Next up in early May: StokerCon!
Jaren Rencher (of Utah Horror Writers chapter) kindly picked me up at the SLC airport. Kevin J. Anderson and I rode an hour to Provo with him, as KJA regaled us with tales of his work with the band Rush. Amazing.The awesome “souvenir book” for WHC 2016, designed by Bailey Hunter (Dark Recesses Press) and featuring art by Keith Thompson. As one of the guests, I’ve got a story in this one — if you got that, plus my signature, you’ve got a rare collectable book!The Harmons (C.H. Lindsay on left) reveal the Grandmaster Award trophy for Michael R. Collings during the opening ceremonies. What a plaque!I was honored to be a special guest. Guests got tokens for free massages. I gave mine to homeless people on the streets (esp. the pickpocket guy asking passers-by for “free hugs”)Off to lunch with Jeff Strand and Sara Tantlinger. We found pizza nearby and cracked each other up for an hour or so. I spent a lot of time with these two; they are joyful in the darkness and we shared cackles all weekend.I had a powerpoint for the “Mutterverse” experience (which is not in print and can only be seen live), but the A/V technology at the conference failed … so I just read scary short-shorts for an hour to a small group of attending friends and trapped IT personnel.This is what I sometimes look like reading weird stuff. (Photo: Jeff Strand)Seton Hill students & alums were at WHC 16, and spending time with them was awesome. Here I stand with the aforementioned Sara Tantlinger, DK Godard, & Cody Langille!It was a privilege to moderate a fantastic panel about horror poetry with these three talents (Linda Addison, Michael Collings, and Charlie Harmon).I enjoyed trading a few tales about the old days with Brian Keene (author of The Rising, The Complex). He rushed off to make a new podcast shortly after this most metal moment.Something evil lurked in the NEBO room at the con hotel. If you’ve read Play Dead, then you know what it might be.I cheered from the back at this year’s “Gross Out Contest.” Here Brian Keene dishes out the rules of the game. It is the most dangerous game. Jeff Strand took 2nd with a fab story. Stephen Kozeniewski (Koz — who was an awesome panel moderator, too) won the night; I missed it, but heard it was gaggingly great.Had good conversations with these two (Michael Bailey and Jason V. Brock) throughout the con. Jason and I got into some very heady topics. Both these guys really know their horror — plus Michael Bailey’s long arms will terrify you — so do not mess with them.Jeff Strand gave a fantastic reading of two hilarious horror tales. He is a towering presence. Weiner dogs beware. One highlight of the con was our “kaffeeklatsch” together, where a gaggle of friends and new readers asked us about our history and process and future plans. We giggled with the gaggle. Jeff shared some impressive stories about film and other developments in his career.Here my friends Jeanne and Bill Bush chat up with Brian Keene at the Mass Autograph session.A moment with the wonderful Sunni Brock of JaSunni Productions. We shared a panel (along with her partner, Jason) on music later in the con that was very deep, and very good.A long shot of the Fridge of the Damned display. Here James Beers composes a sick one. You can read his, and the work of others at the con, over on my flickr gallery. (Notice how I’m rarely in my seat at these things. I go around and try to get books signed.)I really enjoyed getting to know Rachel Autumn Deering at this convention — her book Husk is impressive. She signed it with a reference to my “Doofus” story in 100 Jolts and blew my mind! She’s really cool. Seek her work.Sara Seeley had brains on her table; I juggled them. (Photo by David West, who was an awesome guy to chat with, too).Laughing it up with my old army buddy, Bill Bush. Bill has quite a collection of Arnzenalia… I promised him a signed femur in the future. Not sure when I’ll deliver. But some day. I never said it would be MINE. Maybe I’ll extract and sign his? We’ll see.Mountains and railings in SLC.And…back home to PA. Pittsburgh is a city of bridges. This beast reminds you of this fact at the airport. It’s probably supposed to represent a Pittsburgh Steeler, but I see it as a monstrous transformer about to destroy the place. And I can imagine being stabbed to death by the Andy Warhol Bridge.
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