I’m pleased to formally announce the resurrection of my old indie press imprint, Mastication Publications! While we’ve existed since 1991, and printed a number of chapbooks and ephemera over the past twenty years, this really marks a new phase in the press’ development, as we will be more aggressively entering the ebook market and developing new projects. Our tagline is “Unusual Ideas to Chew On”. Here’s a snippet from the mission statement on our “About Us” page which elaborates:
We see this press as more of a creative laboratory than some vain enterprise in self-publishing. It is a venue for trying new things and archiving things that may have otherwise been lost and forgotten. We’ve always been a small press interested in exploring new territory for genre fiction and poetry, liberated from the norms of mainstream publishing and unbound by the usual commercial demands.
Visit the new page at http://masticationpublications.com
Lots of creative things are in development, from a new logo, to re-released ebooks from my backlist, to the new Instigation ebook (which you can get for as little as a buck if you pledge to The Fridge of the Damned kickstarter before Feb 1st!).
But first up is a free chapbook, available NOW, called MEAT SHOTS!

Want a freebie? All you need to do is sign up for the press’ new newsletter and you will receive a free electronic chapbook (adobe format) called “Meat Shots” that collects some of my best microhorror in a beautifully colorful and playfully organized little package, designed by Nathan Rosen. Read all about it on the Mastication Publications website or see the TOC and excerpt on the book’s page.