POST-CONVENTION UPDATE, 6/4/24: Unfortunately, this class will not be available online as a recorded lecture. If you attended the class at the con, know that the secret website for the course has been updated with extra materials! Just email me if you’ve forgotten it’s location; otherwise, enjoy and stay in touch!
Registration for my next Horror University course has opened up! “Catching the Reader by Surprise” will be a 2-hour online session covering strategies to keep your reader guessing, from building suspense in clever ways to crafting surprising plot twists, while taking the special considerations of the horror genre into account. Visit or see my Events page on StokerCon 24 for more details about what I’ll be up to at the conference. The class runs LIVE. [I’m uncertain if registrants will have access to a recorded session or not, but I hope so].
Horror is the genre of the unexpected, and the best thrills of the genre come to us as surprises, revelations, and shocks. This two hour workshop will cover insider tricks and tactics for surprising even the most jaded horror reader. It will include a lively interactive talk that explores how to set traps that will catch your audience by surprise. By examining examples and practicing in class, you’ll learn how to employ your cunning to stun your reader and build tension, and to better exploit turning points in your plots to generate powerful twists and shocking outcomes.
The course costs $65 usd (in addition to other StokerCon registration tickets) for access to the live event. A recorded version may or may not be available thereafter. Visit the dedicated course page at for details.
p.s. If you can’t make it to StokerCon — or even if you can — I hope you’ll consider checking out the recorded versions of my past Horror University courses, which are all still available, on the topics “Treacherous Settings,” “Shapeshifters,” and “The Uncanny & The Abject.” HWA members and con attendees can often bundle things for discounts!