Magazine of Bizarro Fiction

Mag of Bizarro Fiction #4
Just learned that issue #4 of The Magazine of Bizarro Fiction is now being mailed (early birds can order it now from This special “Werewolves and Shapeshifters” issue was edited by John Skipp, and includes the first appearance of the piece I read at last year’s Bizarro Day event at Backlist Bookstore, called “Endless Shrimp.” Other great writers, including Jeremy Robert Johnson, Nicole Cushing, Robert Devereaux, D. Harlan Wilson, and Cody Coodfellow, also appear within. These are all some of the smartest and weirdest writers I know, so this is sure to be a great volume.

p.s. Speaking of John Skipp… he’s currently running a great kickstarter campaign asking for pledges to help fund a 3D Zombie Puppet Musical called Rose. Chuck him a buck to support this ambitiously fun project…or donate a large chunk of change and get a bit part (literally) in the film!