On Oct 13th, 2022, I read some work at the fabulous “Galactic Terrors” series of video casts, which is run by the NY chapter of the Horror Writers Association. It was a good time, reading alongside Michelle Brittany and Steven Van Patten, who both enlightened and entertained. You can catch the episode on youtube if you missed it.
But even better, if you sign up for the Galactic Terrors newsletter, you have a chance at winning one of two Arnzen books, an ebook from Steven Van Patten, or a handmade Halloween journal from Michele Brittany! The only catch is you have sign up before 12pm on Oct 16th on Oct 21st (deadline extended!). Also must reside in the USA.
Go for it! Sign up now, and you’ll be alerted to future episodes of GT among other things horror-oriented. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!