Goreletter 5.03 Mailed

The Goreletter Vol. 5, #3, with the title "Wacky!" was mailed to subscribers on 27/June/2008 @ 10 pm est. It contains extra material not available here on the weblog version, including contests and exclusive discounts on several horrifying goodies! If you subscribe and did not receive this issue, e-mail me for a replacement or review the archives at gorelets.com. Subscribe today...it's painless, fun and free! (Well...probably not completely pain-free). Issues are mailed only four or five times a year, so your inbox won't be glutted. -- Mike Arnzen

Head Games

The mounted head begins to speak: you know, I like it better this way, I feel more like myself, no body to worry about anymore, just me alone with my thoughts, and there's time to talk to you without the distractions of yada yada yada I know dear and I prefer it, too, I say, putting on my boxing gloves. Now remind me, where did you store the tongs?

“The Frolic” by Thomas Ligotti

Late last year, Wonder Entertainment released a special collector's edition of Thomas Ligotti's short story "The Frolic" in a book that comes bundled with a DVD -- a 24 minute adaptation of that story directed by Jacob Cooney. Get it soon, because this product is limited to 1000 copies, and there are signed editions available. Remarkably, this is the very first cinematic adaptation of Ligotti's work -- and I must say, it's an excellent treatment, co-scripted by Ligotti himself, intensely directed, and well-acted. In my Goreletter reviews, I try to shine light on (mostly independent) "print" books because I feel…

A Toast to Raw Dog Screaming…and a Discount!

If you'll indulge me for a moment: please pick up your wine glass, water bottle or coffee mug. I want to raise a high toast to a great publisher. This year marks Raw Dog Screaming Press' fifth anniversary. Anyone who knows the independent press, knows that simply surviving that long -- especially in today's publishing economy -- is a true milestone of success. I'm proud to be one of their authors, an early runt of their raw puppy litter -- and when I think about how far they've gone to support my experiments in horror, I am not only humbled,…

"Death is caused by swallowing small amounts of saliva over a long period of time." -- George Carlin (died June 2008)

Spit Happens