Twisted Prompts for Sicko Writers (26)

+ Write about a WOMAN-eating plant (as opposed to just a man-eater). + Everyone says they're afraid of clowns.  What are clowns scared of?  Depict their worst nightmare. + Ever heard the expression, "Let your freak flag fly"?  Write a story or poem about a freak nation and its hallowed flag.  (Option: try drawing or describing the iconography of the flag before you begin). *** Review the entire "Instigation" department where you can now post your writing!

Enter a Caption and Win!

UPDATE: CONTEST DEADLINE HAS PASSED... COMMENTS ON THIS ENTRY ARE NOW CLOSED! Time for a new contest! Come up with a witty caption for the image below and you will be eligible to win one of the following "book & comic series" prizes (...there will be two winners chosen!) : An almost-impossible-to-find signed "Advanced Review Copy" of The B*tchfight by Arnzen + the first four issues of Jai Nitz' horror comic series, Heaven's Devils (Image). A signed copy of Arnzen's (now out-of-print and still out-of-its-mind) novella, Licker + the first four issues of Army of Darkness vs. Reanimator (Dynamite Comics).…

Worlds of Horror

Get out of here and go read my guest blog entry at the Horror Library Blog-o-Rama, called "Worlds of Horror." (If you're on myspace, go here instead, where the conversation is). I issue horror fans a challenge to read more international horror writers and break out of their "literary isolationism" -- and I offer some titles to help you get started on a tour of scary world literature. Here's a very short excerpt: Browse your bookshelves and your video racks. What percentage of these titles are all published and produced in the same country in which you live? How many…

Ghoulish Goals

From the June 2008 Pittsburgh Professional Magazine:   Ghoulish Goals: Seton Hill writing professor keeps collecting awards for his horror fiction by Kathleen Ganster (photos by Jim Judkis).