The Fight is On

Bad Moon Books is now taking pre-orders for the my novelette, The Bitchfight. THE FIGHT IS ON! Here's the twisted story description from the back cover: Somewhere deep in the Black Mountains outside of Vegas, men of all kinds secretly gather to wager on a very special sport. A crowd of them surrounds a pit in the ground, cheering as money changes hands and spotlights beam down from the tops of tractor trailers, illuminating the dusty arena in a sickening glow. Cages are carried to opposite sides of the ring, like Egyptian queens. The crowd goes nuts. Somewhere in the…

Winter 2008 Updates

I've been busy over the holidays, catching up with promises and deadlines... Lots of new things are in the works for the year ahead, but some I can't really announce until their time is at hand. My book, Proverbs for Monsters (released from Dark Regions Press in November) has gotten some awesome reviews. Head over to Dread Central, for example, to see what author Scott Johnson had to say about this "guided tour of insanity and the macabre, with a few moments of touching grace combined with repulsive terror." Full coverage of the book, including a TOC and sample illos,…

Film Encore/Reading | Seton Hill U. – Nov 30th

I'll be giving an encore presentation of the film based on my poetry and flash fiction, Exquisite Corpse, at Seton Hill University (Greensburg, PA) on November 30th, 2007, at 4pm in room 308 in the Administration Building. This event will also include readings of new work and a listening sample from Audiovile. Open and free to the public. Information is available here. 11/24 Postscript: Congratulations to producer Jim Minton for winning another award for Exquisite Corpse: the "Best Visual Effects" award at the 2007 Sansevieria Film Festival! [Exquisite Corpse is now available on DVD. To purchase in the US send…