Bob the Angry Flower: Dog Killer

Meet "Bob the Angry Flower," Stephen Notley's outrageous main character in his comic strip by the same name. Bob is a pissed off sunflower -- that icon of happiness and sunshine. But Bob's disposition isn't sunny, sappy, or sugary -- he's angry as hell. This embodies Notley's approach to the form: he turns what we assume about popular culture icons inside-out and upside-down, in the process challenging our worldview. And it makes for a very entertaining, thought-provoking read. Dog Killer -- his latest collection of comics -- is rife with wry political commentary and subversive play, but it's also an…

Delirium Squared

If you are interested at all in science fiction, fantasy, or horror poetry, you might find the latest issue of Mythic Delirium to your liking. It just came out and it has a knock-out lineup, with writers like Mikal Trimm, Ian Watson, and Suzette Haden Elgin between the covers. I love that title, "Mythic Delirium." I'm happy to have a dark poem, called "muscle boy," in this issue. And I just realized that this makes two publications I've been in this year with the word "Delirium" in the title. (The other one was an anthology, called In Delirium, published by…

Wee Small Hours is Clocking Out

Wee Small Hours -- the online fiction challenge, responding to creative writing prompts plucked from my weekly column in Hellnotes newsletter -- has gone on hiatus. Read the final (?) entry (Bev Vincent's excellent story, "Therapy") while it's still available free online. Bev wrote a very grim, very moving, tale! I just wanted to say how proud I was to be the instigator for WSH. Although only one tale was chosen each month, it has produced many great stories that are still in circulation and it thrills me to be a part of all that creative energy. UPDATE 5/5/06: It…