Still No Winners

Just FYI: there have been no lucky guesses yet in the special "subscriber's only" Strange Snippet contest from 2.9. If you haven't tried guessing yet, you've still got a little time left before the next Goreletter. Give it a shot! If you don't subscribe, you can't play to win. Sign up; it's free!

"Which came first: the intestine or the tapeworm?" -- William S. Burroughs (died 1997)

You Know It In Your Gut

Splitting the Brain

we cut corpus callosum for dinner that eve half for you, half for me an equal share of hemispheres but I saw that look behind your eyes when you searched around my face, clutching your knife asking please for seconds after I chewed my last bite Explanation: I found that list of offbeat phrases in the "Strange Visitors" contest awhile back amusing, and began to think of them as titles for poems...I may do more based on the others, if/when time permits. (Hint: click on the "Weblog Exclusive" department to read all the others.)