
I've had the kind fortune to exchange e-mails recently with J. Jules Vitali, the artist responsible for Styrogami -- exquisitely hand-carved mini-sculptures made from styrofoam cups. As a gesture of kindness, he created a wickedly clever sculpture called "Gorelet" (image below) -- a one-of-a-kind piece of art that will be available to some lucky soul who randomly receives it in an Art*O*Mat machine -- a repurposed cigarette machine that now dispenses art instead of cancer (reminiscent of Gumball Poetry). I think this is very cool and I'm honored by Vitali's gift. Please drop by his website to see more of…

"To provoke dreams of terror in the slumber of prosperity has become the moral duty of literature." -- Ernst Fischer (died 1972)

Sleep on This

Twisted Prompts for Sicko Writers

+ Write the final scene in a book about Armageddon. + In painstakingly close detail, appealing to all five senses, describe a rotting human head. When you reach the end, reveal the context for its appearance -- one which sends the reader right back to the beginning. + What is the filthiest place your avoid in your day-to-day life? A nasty corner of the basement? A restroom in your office building? The dump you drive past on your way to work? Choose the worst. Now imagine that something evil resides there. Write about its emergence. *** Instigation is a WEEKLY…