Posted inArnzen News
Posted inWeblog Exclusive
I've had the kind fortune to exchange e-mails recently with J. Jules Vitali, the artist responsible for Styrogami -- exquisitely hand-carved mini-sculptures made from styrofoam cups. As a gesture of kindness, he created a wickedly clever sculpture called "Gorelet" (image below) -- a one-of-a-kind piece of art that will be available to some lucky soul who randomly receives it in an Art*O*Mat machine -- a repurposed cigarette machine that now dispenses art instead of cancer (reminiscent of Gumball Poetry). I think this is very cool and I'm honored by Vitali's gift. Please drop by his website to see more of…
Posted inInstigation
Twisted Prompts for Sicko Writers
+ Write the final scene in a book about Armageddon. + In painstakingly close detail, appealing to all five senses, describe a rotting human head. When you reach the end, reveal the context for its appearance -- one which sends the reader right back to the beginning. + What is the filthiest place your avoid in your day-to-day life? A nasty corner of the basement? A restroom in your office building? The dump you drive past on your way to work? Choose the worst. Now imagine that something evil resides there. Write about its emergence. *** Instigation is a WEEKLY…