Feeling Googly?

Bob Crouch -- the man responsible for the wonderful cover art on my first poetry book, Chew -- is looking for someone who might be creatively inspired to write something (probably novella-length) based on his outrageously wild "Googly Chess" Set -- a series of crazy chess-piece sculptures in the inimitable Crouch style. Check out the copious images on his website at Cricket's "Rat Fink" Page. Contact Bob personally by e-mail if you're interested: crouch@tctelco.net

Sportuary: New Scary E-book!

Just when you thought the horrorshow of the world series and early football season was over... now comes SPORTUARY by Michael A. Arnzen. Available exclusively in e-book form, this 42 page electronic chapbook by a Bram Stoker Award-winning author reimagines sporting events in all sorts of twisted ways. You'll get everything from kids playing badminton with dead birdies to "fearleaders" with bony pompoms. Now available for immediate download from CyberPulp Digital Publishing. (Sample poems available at gorelets.com). Priced at just $3, this collection of bizarre imaginings is cheaper than a scary stadium hot dog. GET IT HERE. "It is easy…