
Tap-tap-tap. Class, pay attention. I'm going to teach you a new word today. It's called "gavage." Say it out loud. No, not like "savage," Little Jimmy. It's pronounced like "garage." That's right, Mary: guhvahzh. Really resonate that last syllable in your mouth. What? No Patty, "garvage" is not a word. Gavage. Do any of you know what it means? No, Jimmy, it's not the trash you run over in your garage. No, Mary, it's not a battlefield dressing invented during the French revolution. What's that, Patty? No. Absolutely not. That's not even humanly possible. Take notes, class. "Gavage" is a…


all chocolate is Chocula -- it seduces with its riches, wraps your desire in the cape of your mouth, and invites the sink of teeth. we never bite gently; we always suck it to vapor, feeding on its potency until we are left only with the empty pang for more and more and more. we are undead with diabetes, obese with our obsession, unquietly unquenched while we dwell upon the mortality of the melt.

The Haunt is Becoming a Forum

Just read this important post at Horrorgy that the 'myspace for horror fan' site, The Haunt, is shutting down in early November and becoming a discussion forum sponsored by the Horror-Mall instead. Sorry to hear it...I liked the concept, but it's true that participation was lacking after the initial buzz of the place wore off. Hopefully the discussion forum will spark interest and continued community, rather than leaving a 'ghost town' in its wake. I probably won't play there very often; I feel like I've got too many strands to follow online right now... But I'm glad you're following this…

Clips from My Halloween Reading at SHU 2009

Last week the English Club at Seton Hill University invited me to read at a Halloween event they sponsored, and I had a lot of fun reading some new story sketches and poems with them. I recorded it, so I could share a few audio clips here in celebration. Click the play button below to hear "Endless Shrimp" (2:10), "Silence" (3:17) and "The Christmas Doll" (0:46). Happy Halloween (...and Christmas, too!) [audio:Michael Arnzen_Endless Shrimp-Live 2009.mp3,Michael Arnzen_Silence-Live 2009.mp3,Michael Arnzen_The Christmas Doll-Live 2009.mp3|titles=Endless Shrimp-Live 2009,Silence-Live 2009,The Christmas Doll-Live 2009|artists=Michael Arnzen,Michael Arnzen,Michael Arnzen] If you like it, investigate my produced CD -- Audiovile!…