Kindle2 Opens the Ebook Watershed: The Time Has Come

It's time to go ebook, if you haven't already. Today releases their next generation Kindle2 ebook reading device, which is now able to pull information out of the (cell phone) wireless networks internationally...and you don't have to subscribe to a cell phone service to do so.  This means that the medium has gone totally global; you can read an ebook anywhere -- and update/sync/buy anywhere, too.  So what? This means that publishers everywhere will now see a new way to reach millions of readers, so they're all going to push these electronic formats (if they haven't already). Readers like…

Return of the Son of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

Cthulhu the Obscure A Connecticut Devil in King Arthur's Inferno The Golden Bowl of Blood The Isle of Dr. Moreau and Mr. Hyde As I Lay Resurrecting Creature from the Walden Pond Of Mice and Tentacles A Midsummer Night's Scream Jane Weyrewolf Oedipus Rex: The Boy With the X-Ray Eyes Uncle Tom's Cannibal Cabin A Poison Clockwork Orange Rabid Animal Farm Lord of the Giant Flies Clone King Richard the Thirtieth A Morgue of One's Own ** With irreverence for: Quirk Classics. [Update: The literati among you might also appreciate this essay at the 'Jane Austen's World' blog.]

Subscribe to The Goreletter and Get SPORTUARY Free!

[UPDATE, Oct 2010: THE FREE E-BOOK OFFER DESCRIBED BELOW IS NO LONGER VALID. Please visit for your copy, cheap.] I've just published I'm getting geared up to finish the next e-mail edition of The Goreletter, so I thought I'd post a little incentive for readers to subscribe (free) so they won't miss a beat as this award-winning newsletter launches into its sixth volume of all things weird, wacky, wicked and wobbly. I try to make every issue a combination of original material with "best of blog" excerpts and often include coupons and contests for free swag (or as I…

Scuttlebuggery: Soccer for Scarabs

Scuttlebuggery is a stylishly steampunk online promotional game for the goth band Johnny Hollow, brought to you by the geniuses at My Pet Skeleton Productions (maker of "A Murder of Scarecrows" featured here awhile back). In this game you play a scuttlebug -- a round beetle who must figure out how to push bubbles of absinthe toward a drain, dodging beetles and fluttering moths along the way. It's like soccer for scarabs. And though it sounds like child's play, it is a Sisyphean challenge that will likely make you appreciate the vast labor of the insect world, scuttling all around…