
It's funny: when I turn to my dollar-store dictionary for advice on the correct way to pronounce "offal" it says "awful"! I thought so. There's nothing wonderful about offal: it's all awful, even in its very utterance. Offal is butcher's term for the "less valuable edible parts of a carcass" -- which is another way of saying the "guts" that are left over after the "meat" has been cleaved into muscular, familiar chunks. But the important thing to remember is that while these aren't worth much, they're still "edible." I think horror writers often use the thesaurus to look up…

Evolving Your Monster

"Monster Evolution" is a clever online game from Nob Studio, in which you terrorize a city eating humans -- and if you eat enough of them, you can "evolve" into creatures with special powers and take out the shooters and tanks that come after you. It's like Cloverfield meets John Carpenter's The Thing. Almost. Try "Monster Evolution" for yourself, and play God(zilla) for awhile:

Darkness on the Edge: A Bruce Springsteen Anthology

PS Publishing is now taking orders for Darkness on the Edge: Tales Inspired by the Songs of Bruce Springsteen. It will soon be available in a signed and unsigned limited edition hardcover.  My story is called "The Hungry Heart" -- sort of like Poe meets the Boss.  Other contributors include Sarah Langan, Gary Braunbeck, Elizabeth Massie, Lawrence C. Connolly and lots of other great dark fantasy writers.  Edited by Harrison Howe, with cover art by the infamous JK Potter. Definitely worth a look!  The limited edition is available here, and likely to sell out quickly.