New Chapbook: Skull Fragments

Just received this photo from translator, Jerome Charlet. SKULL FRAGMENTS has just been published by Les Perseides in France, and is available through French book outlets online (it is a bilingual edition, so English readers can also enjoy). Click on the photo to read more info, or see the news on "European Translations" below:

NOTE: THIS CONTEST IS OFFICIALLY CLOSED. However, you can still post a ‘pithy morbid thought’ — a dark quotable quote from a dead person — if you wish, in the form of a comment to this post. View the winners here. *** What is a "Pithy Morbid Thought"? A brief philosophical quip -- often ironic -- about death, disease, horror, torment, fear, terror, etc. I collect them for inspiration and uncomfortable moments at dinner parties. They also serve as "curtains" which close out each e-mail issue of The Goreletter. Here's an example of one of my favorites (from Goreletter 2.7):
Peace Meal “I believe in compulsory cannibalism. If people were forced to eat what they killed, there would be no more wars.” — Abbie Hoffman (died 1989)
I want YOUR pith. Give me a good one to use in a future issue of The Goreletter. If I like it a lot, you can win one of five free prizes: Five different people will win one of these prizes: a FREE signed copy of PLAY DEAD hardcover a FREE signed copy of PROVERBS FOR MONSTERS softcover a FREE signed copy of 100 JOLTS softcover a FREE signed copy of AUDIOVILE cd a FREE signed copy of FREAKCIDENTS softcover The rules are simple: a) post a comment to this message that includes your favorite "Pithy Morbid Thought" from a dead person. You must include their name, the title of the work you're drawing it from (if available) and the year they died. You can give it a title if you want (like I did with "Peace Meal" above). For more inspiration, see the previous Pithy Morbid Thoughts in The Goreletter. b) only ONE entry per contestant, so choose wisely! c) be sure to include your e-mail address when you enter, so I will be able to contact you for delivery should you win a prize. If you include a link to your website, too, all the better, because I can include that in my newsletter. d) understand that posting an entry is no guarantee of a prize or publication. I may or may not use your PMT in future issues of The Goreletter. Also submit with the understanding that I will delete any entries that I deem offensive to junior web visitors or legally problematic due to copyright or obscenity law. Chosen winners will be the TOP FIVE ENTRIES with the pithiest of quotations, in my personal opinion, with one prize going per contestant. CONTEST ENDS JULY 1st AT MIDNIGHT, EST. I will announce winners in the e-mail edition of The Goreletter and in the blog. The winning entries may also be reprinted in The Goreletter blog column by the same name. [This contest is a substitute for the one that was running last month on The Haunt... they lost their forum pages and the entries that were posted originally there, without a backup. So Haunt members should repost their entries here.]

Post a Pithy Morbid Thought…And Win!

Bare Bone Finale

Raw Dog Screaming Press has announced publication of the grand finale issue of Bare Bone magazine (#11). It features fiction from Kurt Newton, Ronald Damien Malfi, Cody Goodfellow, Steve Rasnic Tem, Paul Finch and Jeffrey A. Stadt among others. Some of the poets included are myself, Cameron Pierce and Forrest Armstrong. (Read the full TOC on Kurt Newton's blog.) Editor Kevin Donihe has done a rather remarkable job with this magazine over the years, turning it from a truly-bare-boned zine into a full-fledged glossy trade paperback anthology-grade journal of the bizarro. I've had work in several issues (I think issues…

“Pithy” Contest Lost — But Will Return Soon

The "Pithy Morbid Thought" contest I was running on The Haunt (with a deadline of tomorrow) has been lost by their website! Apparently their boards crashed and the backup was unrecoverable. I will make up for this by starting over here on The Goreletter in the days ahead. [UPDATE, 5.15: You can now enter the contest here by July 1st.] If you participated in that contest, I do NOT have your original entries or names (I expected the webmaster to back those up!) I hope you will re-enter. I may use Twitter as part of this contest. More to come..…