Exploring Dark Short Fiction Series 2018: Kaaron Warren #2 & Nisi Shawl #3

Following up on the success of the first study of contemporary writer Steve Rasnic Tem, 2018 saw the publication of two new entries into the Exploring Dark Short Fiction Series published by Dark Moon Books: Primers to Australian author Kaaron Warren (#2) and -- just released this December -- Afrofuturist Nisi Shawl (#3). Smartly edited by Eric J. Guignard and gorgeously illustrated by Michelle Prebich, these books are an excellent way to get to know (or if you know them, to better understand) the pre-eminent writers of SHORT STORIES in the horror genre, because they feature five-to-six selected stories that…

Joltober 2018

I often intermittently post dark poetry and sick "very short stories" (sometimes called #vss) on social media, but to celebrate Halloween season this year, I've decided to post a new "jolt" each day to my twitter account throughout October 2018. Since my friends at Raw Dog Screaming Press helped instigate me, I thought it would be fitting to call it "Joltober" in tribute to 100 Jolts, which they published originally 14 years ago! Keep your eyes on this for a new horror story posted daily throughout this October ⚡️ “#Joltober: A Horror Story a Day for October (2018)”https://t.co/J3R4IpjcXr— Michael Arnzen…

HWA Poetry Showcase V

[NOTE: Submissions are now closed and the book is being edited now published in Fall 2018!  Preview the TOC. Read my Goodreads review. ] April is National Poetry (& Poetry Writing) Month -- and the Horror Writers Association is celebrating with a call for submissions of poetry to their next anthology, the HWA Poetry Showcase V! Deadline is end of April 2018. Guidelines appear down below. I'm on the jury vetting the entries alongside Mercedes Yardley and editor Stephanie Wytovich. You do need to be member of the HWA to be accepted, sure -- but...If you're a pro horror writer,…

Monstrosity by Tim Curran – an Overlooked Gem

Monstrosity by Tim Curran My rating: 4 of 5 stars Review posted originally to goodreads.com I recently taught Tim Curran's MONSTROSITY in a college-level introductory lit course -- literally titled "Monstrosities." The book exhibits Curran's wildly playful imagination when set free and allowed to take inventive extremes. I don't want to spoil any surprises, because this is a book where you begin to turn the pages dying to see what crazy creature will be unleashed next, and whether or not the author will be able to top the one you just read about, with your jaw on the floor. There…

Can’t Fight This Feeding

I can't fight this feeding any longer And yet I'm still afraid to let it show What started out as small waist, has grown larger I only wish they made much bigger burritos I belt myself but I can't hold out forever I said there is no reason for my fear 'Cause I feel so secure when I'm eating It gives my gut direction It makes everything so clear And even as I hunger I'm keeping you in sight You're like a candy store window On a cold, dark winter's night And I've ate more helpings than I ever thought…