The Ecology of Housecleaning

Still alive... catching up with all sorts of projects.  Almost overlooked this one: My microfiction, "The Ecology of Housecleaning," appears in the latest issue of Dustin LaValley's deceptively disturbing Micro100 journal.  Happy to see my old friend Kurt Newton has a tiny tale in there, alongside all sorts of other 100-word-or-less stories involving knives and babies.

Authors: Dead or Alive

αΩ   Dead or Alive? How many of your authors are dead? Dead: 49 / Alive: 116 / Unknown: 153 / Not a Person: 1 Percent alive: 70.3% xo   The above is a report generated from a neat new analytical script that LibraryThing can do to your home bookshelves, called "Dead or Alive?" I sort of assumed I'd have more dead authors.  Ah well.  Ironically, they listed my own name as "Unknown"...and I found that a little soothing.  Call me anthropomorphic, but I think I'd rather be among those undead than "Not a Person". [Scrolled to the bottom ... They…

Winner Chosen for LibraryThing Giveaway

Congrats to LibraryThing member Sarah who just won a copy of my book 100 Jolts: Shockingly Short Stories as part of a "member giveaway" raffle!   Sarah was one of over 200 entrants; I have a list of the top five picks and may be giving runner-up prizes as I can afford them to a handful of others.  Thanks to all who participated in the fun! LibraryThing is a great place for book lovers to share their book catalogs.  I'm a lifetime LT author and welcome your visit.

Win a Signed Copy of 100 Jolts

[This contest has unfortunately ended.  Thanks to everyone who entered!] [ACT QUICK!  This opportunity expires today. There are over 200 entrants so far!] You can win a free signed copy of my book, 100 Jolts, by entering a request at the "member giveaway" raffle at  You'll need to sign up for LibraryThing if you're not already on the bookshelf sharing site...luckily, they offer free limited membership (and a cheap pricetag for unlimited membership).  I'm a LTAuthor -- come check it out!  (I'm also an author on if you prefer that site...but I don't, so no freebies for you!) You'll need to…

Horror-Ku Winners Posted

If you'd like to read a few quick horror haiku, click on over to the Little Blog of Horrors over at  They've posted the top three entries of a horror-ku contest I recently judged.  Congrats to winners CS McBride, Bruce Boston and John Pupo!