Now Available: Horror Library Vol. III

The anthology, Horror Library Vol. III, is now available from Cutting Block Press. Featuring stories by Bentley Little, Gary Braunbeck, Matt Warner, Cullen Bunn, Jeff Strand, and many many more, this is a book of stories that you won't want to miss. If you don't believe me, visit the publisher, who offers a generous sampling of the first two pages of every story online for free. Even an advanced peek at my story, "Guarded" is available! Speaking of "Guarded," I read that story at an author's event at Zombiefest 2008 this past Halloween, and an audio recording may soon be…

Stephen King’s THE STAND Turns 30!

Lorne Dixon has put together an awesome 30 year anniversary tribute to Stephen King's masterpiece of dark fantasy, The Stand -- called "What a Long, Strange Captain Trips: The Stand Turns Thirty" -- which you should go read over at the new November issue of the online magazine, Nossa Morte.  There's some great reflections and anecdotes about the book from a bevvy of writers:  find out about Kathe Koja's early fan letter to King, Jeff Strand's relationship to long-long stories, and Rick Hautala's theft (and subsequent return) of the original manuscript...on ugly orange paper! Here's part of what I had…

Happy Halloween 2008

HAPPY HALLOWEEN.  Here's some new audio goodies to celebrate this crazy annual affair we call Halloween. To start, here's a great link to the Halloween Poetry Readings that the Science Fiction Poetry Association has collected.  They've posted "Halloween Costumes I Wish I Would Have Seen" -- a clip from my reading event at Penn Highlands Community College (Johnstown, PA) earlier this week.  On the SFPA site, you get there are a handful of great poems there for you to trick or treat your ears with.  Update, 2009: It's no longer on the SFPA page, but you can listen to it here on…

Happy World Zombie Day

Zombiefest 2008 -- held at the Monroeville Mall in Pittsburgh this weekend -- has so far been both fun and disturbingly surreal.  I've posted some photos from the first day of the dead in the gallery -- mostly of friends in publishing, but also a few freaky shots like the one above.  Aside from crawling the mall, hanging out at my publisher's table and saying "Brainnns!" over and over again, yesterday I performed a fiction reading along with Ryan Mecum (author of Zombie Haiku) and Steve North (author of Dead Tide) -- which you should be able to hear a podcast of soon on…

Zombiefest 08 Schedule

Some folks have been asking when I'm reading at Zombiefest this weekend, so I thought I should post a reminder here. I'm hitting the mic today (Sat. 10/25) at 4pm, in a storefront beside the main stage (the readings will take place in a defunct Men's Warehouse store on the first floor of the mall, right in front of Boscov's) for the convention in the Mall. The folks at FearZone provide a full weekend schedule.