Appearances in August 2008

Aug 15-16 | HorrorFind | Adelphi, MD Join us at Horrorfind for the FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY PARTY for Raw Dog Screaming Press! (See my tribute to the press if you don't know who they are). Arnzen will be reading with other RDSP authors throughout the day on Friday evening, 8/15, in Room 2112 at the UMUC Marriott, from 6pm - 10pm. Here's the schedule: 6:00-6:30 Ronald Damien Malfi 6:30-7:00 Adam Golaski 7:00-7:30 Donna Lynch 7:30-8:00 D. Harlan Wilson half hour buffer/break 8:30-9:00 Matthew Warner 9:00-9:30 John Edward Lawson 9:30-10:00 Michael A. Arnzen On Saturday morning, Aug 16th, the film Exquisite…

The Book of Lists: Horror!

"The Book of Lists: Horror" (edited by Amy Wallace, Del Howison, and Scott Bradley) is coming soon! The cover above just went up on and it should be an awesome collection of information, featuring lists by Stephen King, Ray Bradbury, Robert Bloch, Eli Roth, and many other genre greats. My list of the "Best Horror Colleges" will be there. I think this volume is not only going to be a great research tool, but an awful lot of fun. You can preorder the book on now!

Dark Regions 40% Off Sale

Whoa Nelly... Dark Regions is offering 40% off when you buy a four book lot (just $39.95 + postage) from Horror Mall.  You'll get my Bram Stoker Award winning collection, Proverbs for Monsters, plus the Stoker winner for poetry, Vectors by Charlee Jacob and Marge Simon, Laura Underwood's Song of Silver, and the AWESOME horror collection by Mark Rainey, Other Gods.  That's like getting four trade paperbacks from Dark Regions Press for the price of one hardcover...a schweet deal!  Nab it.

Podcast Interview at Chronicles of the Necromancer

Gail Z. Martin, author of the Chronicles of the Necromancer series, recently interviewed me for her ongoing series of podcasts with dark fantasy, paranormal and science fiction writers. Our chatty conversation about gore, humor, death and the attraction of horror stories is now available in a podcast on Gail's site, which presently features an all-star roster of writers, including Jeffery Thomas, Tony Ruggiero, Justin Gustainis, Alethea Kontis, and Mark Chadbourn. Gail's latest book is The Blood King, available now from, and her new book, Dark Haven is due soon from Solaris Books. Topics we discuss in our interview: fantasy…

Zombie Mall is Selling Audiovile

Zombie Mall is now selling the Audiovile CD on its all-things-undead store! They've got a few sample tracks posted, too, that you might enjoy... Technically, two of the tracks on Audiovile are stories purely concerned with Zombies proper. The rest only feature a zombie percussion player who you can dimly hear in the background, tinkling the triangle and groaning for brains when my cats were out of reach from his chain. The mall loved the CD so much they wrote a happy review of it, too. Learn all about Audiovile in the gorelets bibliography.