June Caption Contest Winners!

The latest issue of The Goreletter featured a contest with prizes for the captions rated as favorites to the following wild image by Proverbs for Monsters artist, Matt Schuster: About forty people entered some fantastic and hilarious captions and you can read all of them under the original post for chuckles. Thanks to everyone for participating; I enjoyed all the entries. Matt and I settled on the following three for prizes: "The Not-So-Fantastic Fifth" by Kurt Newton (prize: The B*tchfight ARC + Heaven's Devils) "'Are you leaving me because I’m balding, Susan?'" by Steven Pirie (prize: Signed Licker + AoD…

Appearances in July 2008

July 19th, 7pm | Alpha Booksigning | Barnes and Noble Bookstore | Greensburg, PA Arnzen reading and book signing, along with sci-fi writer Timothy Zahn (known for his Star Wars books) at Barnes and Noble Bookstore in Greensburg, PA. Students participating in the Alpha SF/F Workshops will be a part of this event (I'm teaching in the program this year). Free and open to the public. UPCOMING APPEARANCES: Aug 15-16 | HorrorFind | Adelphi, MD Join us at Horrorfind for the FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY PARTY for Raw Dog Screaming Press! I'll be there, in addition to reading at this HUGE annual convention…

A New Blog: “The Popular Uncanny”

I'm building a new weblog here on gorelets.com called THE POPULAR UNCANNY. It's a supplement of sorts for my upcoming non-fiction title from publisher Guide Dog Books by the same name. The book is a critical study of theories of the Uncanny/"das Unheimliche" as they appear in advertising, film, bestsellers, and online. Chapters include examinations of such topics as the icon of the dismembered hand in the history of horror cinema, and a treatment of the advertising world's "Doublemint Twins" as uncanny doppelgangers. (The Popular Uncanny, btw, was originally my doctoral dissertation at the University of Oregon.) While the entries…

Zombie Mall Reviews Audiovile

"What can I say? Holy effeing hell this is some brilliant sh*t! ...Audiovile has BITE. It sounds like something you would hear late at night in a darkened coffee shop, with wisps of old coffee wafting to your nose....It has a very unique style, something from a David Lynch film. It’s deep, grabs you by the ears and refuses to let go." -- from Brian Hardin's review of Audiovile at the Zombie Mall! Great review... and Zombie Mall is a great store, too, by the way! Here's a cool offer they gave us for the latest issue of The Goreletter:…