Happy World Zombie Day

Zombiefest 2008 -- held at the Monroeville Mall in Pittsburgh this weekend -- has so far been both fun and disturbingly surreal.  I've posted some photos from the first day of the dead in the gorelets.com gallery -- mostly of friends in publishing, but also a few freaky shots like the one above.  Aside from crawling the mall, hanging out at my publisher's table and saying "Brainnns!" over and over again, yesterday I performed a fiction reading along with Ryan Mecum (author of Zombie Haiku) and Steve North (author of Dead Tide) -- which you should be able to hear a podcast of soon on…

Zombiefest 08 Schedule

Some folks have been asking when I'm reading at Zombiefest this weekend, so I thought I should post a reminder here. I'm hitting the mic today (Sat. 10/25) at 4pm, in a storefront beside the main stage (the readings will take place in a defunct Men's Warehouse store on the first floor of the mall, right in front of Boscov's) for the convention in the Mall. The folks at FearZone provide a full weekend schedule.

Appearances in October 2008

Oct 11, 1:30-4:30pm | PARSEC Meeting | Squirrel Hill Library (5801 Forbes), Pittsburgh, PA "What is Horror?": Join Lawrence C. Connolly (author of Veins), Scott Johnson (author of Cane River) and I in a discussion of the genre and the state it's in today today with PARSEC: the Pittsburgh Area Science Fiction Enthusiast Club. Meeting held at the Carnegie Library in Squirrel Hill in Pittsburgh. Attendees must join PARSEC ($15). Oct 25th 4-5pm | Zombiefest 2008 | Monroeville Mall, Pittsburgh, PA Zombiefest is a two-day zombie-themed convention held at the Monroeville Mall, site of the Romero zombie classic Dawn of…