Forward Interview

Forward, the slick alumni magazine at Seton Hill University (where I teach) ran this excellent feature story on me this Fall, after I won the Bram Stoker Award. [Warning: clicking that link loads a 500kb .jpg image file converted from a .pdf document, so it might take a minute to appear]. I'm very lucky to work at a college that supports my horror writing so wonderfully. If you're a genre writer with a BA, you might consider our low-residency Master's program in Writing Popular Fiction. Horror/fantasy/sf writers who teach in our program include James Morrow, Gary Braunbeck, Tom Monteleone, and…

Coming in 2005

2004 was a killer year for me. I won my second Stoker Award, saw the 10th Anniversary re-publication of Grave Markings, published 100 Jolts, and generally got my groove on. And since this is the end of Volume #2 of The Goreletter, I thought I'd write a little summary of where we're headed in the year to come. I don't like to talk about projects in the works very often because I don't want to let any cats out the bag (or to make any promises I can't keep), but I'm revving up my novel writing engine this year. (I'd…


Paura (Spanish for "fear") is a new anthology series of contemporary terror, just released from Bibliopolis Fantastica in Spain. It includes a Spanish translation (my first!) of my short story "Spring Ahead, Fall Back." Also representing the US in this volume is Melanie Tem, with a translation of her story, "The Dancing Doll."