Freakcidents News

Just received the new cover graphic for my forthcoming poetry book, Freakcidents, now scheduled for a December 2004 release from Shocklines Press in a limited hardcover and softcover trade edition: This book has received nothing but praises in reviews from places like Strange Horizons, ChiZine, Sidereality, and FeoAmante. I'm really looking forward to this collection -- it's probably my strongest poetry book to date. Advanced orders are being taken for the lettered hardcover ($50) and the numbered softcover ($9.95) now at

Stabbing for Dummies

One of the funniest original stories from 100 Jolts -- "Stabbing for Dummies" -- has just been reprinted at Horrorfind Fiction. This story ended up being a collaboration with the behind-the-scenes editor of 100 Jolts, author Vincent Sakowski, who had so many ideas after he read the first draft that we worked together on developing the piece into this present version. It gets a lot of laughs when I perform it at fiction readings. If you like surrealist writing, then definitely check out Sakowski's book, Some Things are Better Left Unplugged. And you can always get a good deal on…