New Post to The Popular Uncanny blog on “The Uncanny Valley and Intellectual Uncertainty”

Just added a new essay to my theory blog on The Popular Uncanny:  "The Uncanny Valley and Intellectual Uncertainty" -- a review and reaction to an interesting cognitive study just published on the brain's response to the uncanny valley. If you don't know what the Uncanny Valley is, then see Wikipedia.  Or watch this video from Popular Science online:  

Google Plus added to the Arnzen Social Network

Quick note: I've added Google+ to the Michael Arnzen Social Network. If you're on google+, feel free to add me to your purgatorial circles... A few folks have asked me: How do I "follow" or "join" your ostentatious-sounding "network"? Simple answer: If you just want to follow me on the MASN, click on the "Get Updates" link on the left hand side of the main page at [Or better yet: sign up for a account (which is a free web blog you can create via email (!) that also autoposts to various social networks...highly recommended!) and "subscribe" that…

My Brother’s Publishing Venture, Writerly Done — now open for beta testers

My brother, Daniel Arnzen is launching an "assisted publishing" service where publishing creatives share and offer services. It's called Writely Done that has just officially gone into beta testing! He's seeking writers, editors, illustrators and others involved in publishing who are looking for business. Visit: for the beta code and sign up information.