Announcing the Book Haiku contest winners

The latest issue of The Goreletter (Vol. 7.01: "Cibophobia") included a special subscribers-only contest that involved writing a haiku summary of one of my books and posting it to LibraryThing's #bookhaiku page. Here are the winning entries (surprise: I've added a bonus for 4th place!). These fine folks are all each receiving a signed copy of Many Genres, One Craft, an uncased copy of the film based on my short-shorts, Exquisite Corpse, on DVD, and a special signed CD-R single of "The Bleu Man Group" (featuring both live and studio versions), excerpted from the ArnzenSongs CD (currently in production as…

Goreletter 7.01 Mailed

The Goreletter Vol. 7, #1 was e-mailed to subscribers on 1/13/12 @ 11:59pm est. It contains extra entertainment/material not available here on the weblog version, including a haiku contest exclusive to subscribers with one-of-a-kind prizes. If you subscribe and did not receive this issue, e-mail me for a replacement or review the archives at If you need to check or update your subscription's email address, just enter it in the subscribe box and review the report. Subscribe's free and you can always unsubscribe if it terrorizes you too much. Issues are mailed only a few times per year,…

Congratulations to the Microhorror Contest Winners

If my book, 100 Jolts: Shockingly Short Stories, left you hungry for more and more sick flash fiction, then you might want to check out, to get your quick fix of terror. A few weeks ago I guest-judged (along with Nathan Rosen and Oonah Joslin) a writing contest they held on the site for short-short horror stories related to the common theme of "art." It generated a huge response, and I read a lot of very sick stories that made it a difficult process to select the very best. My hat's off to the winners: Caelin Beaty (for "Chiseled"),…

24 Hour Contest on Facebook – Ends 11/27 at 8pm eastern

If you own The Gorelets Omnibus in ebook format and want a chance to win a collectible broadside for free, jump on over to the gorelets facebook page and check out the details: That's could even buy a copy from amazon in two seconds (currently just $4.99), snap a picture, and win! UPDATE: This contest has ended. Please subscribe to The Goreletter for a chance at future giveaways!