Veinz 57

Spotted in the grocer's the other day: the ketchup critter vampire: for future faux squeeze bottles of blood in the lineup, like The Bulbous Tick Head and The Happy Funtime IV Needle.

Amityville Horror House on Google Street View

When I attend the 2011 Stoker Weekend shortly, I may take a day trip to my old haunting ground:  Amityville.  I grew up there for the first 12 years of my life. I found myself looking up the old Amityville Horror House on Google Street View.  Difficult to link to it, but here's my attempt to capture and enhance what it looks like: Merry Xmas!  (GET OUT, SANTA...GET OUT!) On the site, google also features user photos of location...including this PHENOMENAL shot of the house at night! Check out the full page on Panoramio for the original high quality shot.…

Enter The Nest

I've added a new sub page to that will collect and archive all my posts to, so you don't have to go to their website and try to hunt for them. Enter The Nest. What I like about this is not only will it allow me to keep a record of all those brief snippets of weirdness that I've posted that are hard to find in twitter's archives, but it also lets readers like you search for things that you'd have a hard time finding on twitter itself, and it doesn't require signing up for twitter to do…