Splitting the Brain

we cut corpus callosum for dinner that eve half for you, half for me an equal share of hemispheres but I saw that look behind your eyes when you searched around my face, clutching your knife asking please for seconds after I chewed my last bite Explanation: I found that list of offbeat phrases in the "Strange Visitors" contest awhile back amusing, and began to think of them as titles for poems...I may do more based on the others, if/when time permits. (Hint: click on the "Weblog Exclusive" department to read all the others.)

Stoker Award Photo Album

Here's my long-awaited web album, full of new snapshots from my experience at the HWA Conference & Stoker Banquet: gorelets.com/gorelets/Stoker04_WEB/ You can also read the press release that my school, Seton Hill University, is sending out far and wide to celebrate the achievement. Nice! Enjoy! -- Mike Arnzen

Girl on Crutches

she won't say how she broke them but the boys don't hold the doors for her anymore and nobody signs her cast her armpits ache from the handles and she feels as hollow as the numb caverns inside the plaster that pinch her and the bones will set crooked -- her legs perpetually as bent as her mind -- and his wrung neck which neither splint nor plaster can hold fast or bind any stiffer than his own rigid musculature Explanation: I found that list of offbeat phrases in the "Strange Visitors" contest awhile back amusing, and began to think…


I've had the kind fortune to exchange e-mails recently with J. Jules Vitali, the artist responsible for Styrogami -- exquisitely hand-carved mini-sculptures made from styrofoam cups. As a gesture of kindness, he created a wickedly clever sculpture called "Gorelet" (image below) -- a one-of-a-kind piece of art that will be available to some lucky soul who randomly receives it in an Art*O*Mat machine -- a repurposed cigarette machine that now dispenses art instead of cancer (reminiscent of Gumball Poetry). I think this is very cool and I'm honored by Vitali's gift. Please drop by his website to see more of…

Moldy Heart

I kept his red blood beater in my heart-shaped box lined with green velvet as my personal valentine -- a gift I could open each year. But now his misshapen heart is velveted with a green mold lining the gaping ventricles like four obscene mouths -- chambers awaiting some small treasure I no longer have. Explanation: I found that list of offbeat phrases in the "Strange Visitors" contest awhile back amusing, and began to think of them as titles for poems...I may do more based on the others, if/when time permits. (Hint: click on the "Weblog Exclusive" department to read…