The Goreletter Vol. 10, #2 was delivered to mailing list subscribers on 12/29/15 @ 3pm est. It contains extra entertainment/material not available here on the weblog version, including a new gorelets poem, a mini year-in-review, information about upcoming events, a batch of “political” instigation prompts, and new art/photos.
But most importantly, it contains news about the NEW YEAR’S EVE GRAND PRIZE GIVEAWAY in the currently running contest rally. If you subscribe to the Goreletter you can win a rare leatherbound, lettered edition of my fiction collection, Proverbs for Monsters. All you need to do is sign up for the newsletter before Midnight eastern on New Year’s Eve, 12/31/15. A random email address will be drawn and contacted the next day about the prize, which will be announced here and on twitter & facebook thereafter.
If you subscribe and did not receive this issue, or just want to see the back issues, review the archives at If you need to check or update your subscription’s email address, just enter it in the subscribe box and review the report. I highly recommend you enroll in the HTML edition, which contains more rich features than the scaled down text-only version. But do as you will!
I hope you’ll sign up! I approach The Goreletter like an artist’s sketchbook and a way to share my creative/horror life with people who may have a mind of a similar bent. And it is bent, indeed. From distorted art pieces to weird poems to fresh “instigation” prompts for sick writers…it’s always got something strange inside. It’s also free and you can always unsubscribe whenever you want, judgment free. Privacy is respected. Issues are sent just once every three-or-four months, so your inbox won’t suffocate…in fact, you’ll forget you’re signed up just around the time that a new issue sneaks up on you and pounces. Contact me by email or leave a comment here if you have any questions. — Michael A. Arnzen