In case you missed it, The Goreletter Vol. 13, #2 (“Necro Omicron”) was delivered to mailing list subscribers on 1/28/2022. If you didn’t get yours, please check your spam folder — or re-enter your email address in the subscription page, or contact me. You also can always find a text-only version at The Repository archives!
This issue featured a contest (as they usually do) — this one was entered simply by telling friends on social media about the Goreletter — and the winner this round was writer and editor, Den Shewman, a great guy who I recall fondly from his participation in a few Horror University courses I’ve taught live and online. Den is the author of “On the Blink” (a comedic Christmas tale involving a faulty Rudolph nose) and much more. He kindly shouted out on twitter, “Mike Arnzen is a twisted, twisted soul, and we like him that way. Plus, funny as hell!” as his entry. THANK YOU, DEN! And thanks to all who helped spread the word in entering the contest (or in just out of generosity).

Den was randomly drawn from entries and won a free copy of The H. P. Lovecraft Book of Puzzles: Cosmic Conundrums from Beyond the Black Seas of Infinity (a clever, if silly, book from Gareth Moore which includes such headscratchers as “Worm Infested Sudoku” and “Dimensional Wordsearches” and “Tentacle Tests”) PLUS a free hard copy of my audio cd, AUDIOVILE, PLUS a handful of free download codes to other audio projects by Arnzen on bandcamp and audible. Quite a haul.
On top of random opportunities like these contests or news about discounts on various horror items (not just my own!) that you can’t get elsewhere, The Goreletter always includes extra material not available here on the blog, including new flash fiction or micropoetry (i.e. “gorelets”), news about my latest publications and events, plenty of oddball observations, suggestions, and freshly churned creative instigation on the dark side.
Don’t subscribe? Check out the back issues or subscribe today at the newsletter’s host, Revue. (If you subscribed prior to 2021, you were on Mailchimp and need to resubscribe because I did NOT automatically import my list — there were too many fake or dead accounts in there).
The Goreletter has been publishing for almost 20 years now and actually won a Bram Stoker Award in Alternative Forms (which is now a retired category). I invite you to peruse the back issues free!