Instigation Prompts: Horror for the Holidays


In last November’s issue of The Goreletter, I posted the following list of story starters for “Horror for the Holidays.” Since the season will soon be upon us, I thought I’d share it here on the blog, to help the sicko writers out there get started on corrupting their holiday imaginations early.

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Horror for the Holidays

Discover the weirdest story you can by simply freewriting (without stopping to edit) in response to one the following prompts and seeing where it takes you.

+ a possessed belt buckle
+ murder by butter
+ the carving of the beast
+ a sinister game at the children’s table
+ a postmodern puritan meets a elderly witch
+ gravy, in zero gravity
+ a secret trophy on the Xmas tree
+ serving up hot cider — named “Suicider”
+ ceremonial burning inside the chimney
+ inappropriate carolling
+ new year’s eve in prison
+ the snow smothers
+ snow angel chalk outlines
+ the tree feels it all
+ Rudolph the Red-Tipped Pain Spear
+ new year’s cocktails from hell
+ the haunted advent calendar