Exquisite Corpse: Website Active!

The website for the film based on my horror writing -- EXQUISITE CORPSE -- has now gone live! I'm very impressed with what Jim Minton and crew are doing. I bet you'll be, too. There's an awful lot of talent involved. Please check it out! UPDATE, 8/22: The trailer for the film is now running on the film's website! UPDATE, 8/27: We're developing a myspace page for the film with updates on screenings, stills from the film and more...and it wants to be your friend! Film info: Exquisite Corpse


Though you're likely to drool when you pronounce the word carefully, the term "lugubrious" doesn't have as much to do with loogies, goo, grubs, or brie as you might assume. "Lugubrious" describes maudlin mourning, exaggerated sorrow, excessive gloominess...or simply the emotional state of mankind in the year 2006. It should be an emo metal band; I'd like to see Lugubrious written in drippy letters on a soiled black t-shirt. "Bela Lugubrious" would also make a good title for either a Bauhaus song or a splatterporn actor. And anyone named Lou Gubrias should sue his parents for libel.

"After being struck on the head by an axe, it is a positive pleasure to be beaten about the body with a wooden club." -- Anonymous (Chinese Proverb)
