Open Caskets

the creak of a casket, opening, sounds awfully undramatic: the coffin nails slide out brown and loose on lubricated rust when the wood bends wet with worms. The box is as soggy as the body inside -- curing fetid in its pillow of shadow, wasting but the smell is what gets you: pungent as the green snot and silt cracked out of a sun-roasted oyster shell, and the information you sought out here in the soil is no longer worth chasing so you scrape dirt back into the hole, not bothering to nail the limp box shut, crushing the body…

Review Race: Update!

UK reader Claire Faulkner wins the "review race" contest from the latest Goreletter, by being the first to post a review of 100 Jolts to Although she certainly could have given a thumbs down and still won the contest, her review was very positive. It reads: Short, sharp and definitely shocking. Whatever your taste in horror, '100 Jolts' will have a story for you. Intensively strong in style and content, highly addictive narrative. Arnzen gives horror again and again in bite sized shorts - you won't want to put it down. Highly recommended. For a prize, she'll be getting…

WHC 2004

I had a wonderful time at World Horror Convention 2004 in Phoenix last weekend. Above, is a photo taken during my fiction reading the first day of the con (see RDSP website for a few others), where I read a poem I wrote on the plane -- "You Can Leave Her Head On" (a parody of a famous Joe Cocker song you might remember from The Full Monty) in addition to several shorts from 100 Jolts and Gorelets. If you look beside the corny plastic skull on the side table, you might even be able to spot the little canister…

Contests & Coupons

I've just mailed the latest issue of The Goreletter to newsletter subscribers. It includes extras not available here on the blog, including TWO contests (which feature free book prizes and certificates) and coupons to several books, including discounts on the deluxe edition of Grave Markings! Subscribe (for free!) to have access to these goodies, by filling out the form on your right or registering at