Storytelling and Other Fall Events

All sorts of readings and book signings are in the works for both the Halloween season and the year to come! First up is a return to Riley's Pour House (215 East Main Street, Carnegie, PA 15106) -- a great Irish pub with excellent food and a great spirit (in every sense of the word) -- for a Storytelling night hosted by Pittsburgh horror writer, Lawrence C. Connolly. This event -- slated for Sept. 30th at 8pm -- promises to be a hoot, with a special focus on flash fiction stories, featuring myself, Stephanie Wytovich, Sheldon Higdon, Albert Wendland and…

[caption id="attachment_7245" align="aligncenter" width="612"]Originally posted on Notegraphy Originally posted on Notegraphy[/caption] The message above was my overwrought response to a question posed on the Science Fiction Poetry Association's mailing list, that asked: "Is horror a genre or an attribute of literature?" It's heavy-handed, but that's kind of why I like it, so I turned it into a notegraphy post. [I've been using Notegraphy with students in my flash fiction writing course this summer. Here's my profile and I think you can see (though you may have to be a member first) some of my students work here ] Postscript, 7/31: Thanks to Diane Severson Mori for referencing this post in her recent review of Chad Hensley's latest poetry book at Amazing Stories.

The Nature of Horror: Horror is a Church…

The Goreletter 9.3 Mailed

The Goreletter Vol. 9, #3 was delivered to mailing list subscribers on 6/13/14 @ 11:00pm est. It contains extra entertainment/material not available here on the weblog version, including a "scratch and dent" sale item exclusive to subscribers, new creative writing, a photo from WHC 1996, and even a sequel to the infamous poem, Fuzzy Bunnies. A version of the image above was also included in the newsletter -- if you like it, you can download a large size of it as a desktop wallpaper on my flickr gallery. If you subscribe and did not receive this issue, review the archives…

13 Cannibal Conflicts

Give your cannibal character a dietary restriction. Have your cannibal review a restaurant critic as they dine on him. Put your cannibal on a fat farm. Play referee in a new sporting event: Cannibal vs. Cannibal! Depict the chores of the dishwasher in the back of the cannibal cafe. Your cannibal has lost his teeth. What now? Write The Constitution for the country of Cannibali. Convert your cannibal to a new religion. Poison your cannibal in an inventive way. Describe the day job of your cannibal without ever referencing his or her insatiable appetite. Invent a TV show for the…