"The Dark Librarian" by Michael Arnzen (see flickr)

The Goreletter Has Ended (and What’s Happening Now)

If you're reading this, you might be curious: what happened to your newsletter, Arnzen? When did you last send out The Goreletter? I clicked on a link to subscribe and it took me to a dead webpage. Is my subscription still valid? The instability of the internet strikes again. I am ending The Goreletter, as we know it. This website continues with sporadic updates about publications and events, and I've got some fresh ideas moving forward. But the newsletter is hereby retired. So here's what has been happening. The last issue was sent quite a while ago: in January 2022.…
Live Horror U Class at StokerCon 24: “Catching the Reader by Surprise”

Live Horror U Class at StokerCon 24: “Catching the Reader by Surprise”

POST-CONVENTION UPDATE, 6/4/24: Unfortunately, this class will not be available online as a recorded lecture. If you attended the class at the con, know that the secret website for the course has been updated with extra materials! Just email me if you've forgotten it's location; otherwise, enjoy and stay in touch! Registration for my next Horror University course has opened up! "Catching the Reader by Surprise" will be a 2-hour online session covering strategies to keep your reader guessing, from building suspense in clever ways to crafting surprising plot twists, while taking the special considerations of the horror genre into…
New Class at Horror U: “Shifting Shapes”

New Class at Horror U: “Shifting Shapes”

Registration for my next Horror University course has opened up! "Shifting Shapes" will be a 2-hour online session focusing on strategies for depicting transformation. Visit https://horror-university.teachable.com or see my Events page for more details. The class runs LIVE online on 2/5/24 at 8pm est, but registrants can also view the recorded session and access secret shared materials afterward. (Look for my past Horror U sessions on "The Uncanny and The Abject" and "Treacherous Settings," while you're there! HWA members may qualify for discounts! DESCRIPTION: Hair sprouting from flesh, everywhere, as a man contorts into a terrifying wolf. Tentacles exploding from…
“Beyond Undead”: A New Short-Short Graphic Novel

“Beyond Undead”: A New Short-Short Graphic Novel

Happy October! My longtime friend Eric Hoffman and I have a Halloween surprise for you... a graphic fiction adaptation of my short-short story, "Beyond Undead"! Eric Hoffman ingeniously reframes the tale, intensifying the emotional elements of the piece with expressive line art. Check this free comic out at pancyfancer.com and be sure to browse around and see what else Hoffman has been up to lately. Eric, my old Army buddy, has performed comedy in Chicago and LA, starred in a few indie hits, and has written for several popular shows, from the film Girlfriend's Day with Bob Odenkirk to skits…
Horror Interviews on The Book Case podcast

Horror Interviews on The Book Case podcast

If you're not listening to The Book Case with Kate & Charlie Gibson (of Good Morning America fame) then you're missing out on some great conversations about not only today's bestselling books, but also about the horror genre itself. Kate is a lively interviewer and such an intelligent reader -- and lately has been having a blast trying to get her father Charlie to read and enjoy and understand the horror genre in his retirement, as together they read current books and talk about them with their guest authors. They also routinely interview people in the book business and include…