The Resolution

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Above you have The Resolution -- selected as the "Best Storyline" in the writing contest featured in the latest issue of The Goreletter. Kudos to my "co-authors": Gary Blankenship, Mike Brendan, AK Drees, Brian J. Harrold, Dale Herring & Terrie Leigh Relf, along with Matt Duvall and Steph Ellis, all of whom made this a lot of fun. This story started with the opening sentence, offered online as an Instigation "prompt" for a New Year's Eve writing contest ... and authors "replied" to it using tweets and AuthorBee functions to build a narrative that went in many…

Top Ten Ways to Make Santa’s Naughty List

10. Playing "CSI: Dreamhouse" with your (or your sister's) Barbie dolls. 9. Telling Mommy she's "pretty" to her face and then adding the words "poor at parenting" as you walk out of the room. 8. Presuming that when you're "grounded" you're free to play with electrical outlets to your heart's content. 7. Texting while driving your Big Wheel on the freeway. 6. Skipping biology class so you can experiment directly on animals at the pet store without supervision. 5. Actually punching Hawaiians to get your hands on their branded juice box. 4. Festooning your bedroom with ropes of snot rather…


Try saying "asphyxiation" five times fast. You will know what it means from experience. But if you survive, read on... You probably know the term refers to "choking to death" and that it is the fancy pants medical name for strangulation. But did you know the term derives from the Greek, meaning a- ("without") + sphyxis (a "heartbeat")? If you thought it had something to do with the Egyptian term "sphinx" (which I think means "without + a nose), then you were wrong. (To "asphynxiate" actually means to turn into a giant cat with wings and tell riddles till your…

THE RESOLUTION: A Twitter Story Contest – Sponsored by AuthorBee!

ANNOUNCING A NEW YEAR'S WRITING CONTEST in the Instigation Playground at AuthorBee Deadline for entries is 12/29/13 at Midnight est. WIN AN AMAZON GIFT CERTIFICATE FROM OUR HOST, @AUTHORBEE! Let's write a twisted tale together to ring (or is that "wring"?) in the New Year! The story is called "The Resolution." And it all begins with the following line: You're bound. A TV shows Times Square. "What's your resolution," a man holding a knife asks, "for the afterlife?" Consider yourself "instigated": YOU GO NEXT! You simply need to be a member of twitter to play along (it's free -- check…

Twisted Prompts for Sicko Writers (32)

+ Santa goes down the chimney...and enters hell! Script a dialogue between Santa and Satan. (xref: Instigation Playground) + Describe an incident with the border patrol at the edge of an otherworldly portal. (xref: Instigation Showcase) + Dramatize your own funeral (and/or wake) from the viewpoint of the person in attendance most likely to be bored by it all. (xref: Instigation ebook)