FEAR THE ABYSS — a hot new science-fiction/horror anthology from Post-Mortem Press

  I've been pretty impressed with what Post-Mortem Press has been publishing this year, from Adam Nienaber's Dexteresque novel, Truly Deeply Disturbed, to Jessica McHugh's subversively funny bowling stripper story, Pins to Paul Anderson's anthology, Uncanny Allegories. These are no-nonsense, entertaining books, edited with a gleeful love of the horror genre. So when I heard they were putting together a collection of science-fiction stories by writers primarily known for their horror fiction, I was very happy to join the party. And what a grand party it is! Here's the full Table of Contents. It's a pretty impressive roster, and I…

Mark Twain’s “Mysterious Stranger” — a Claymation Terror

Still in your jammies and slurping cereal in front of the tube? Then click through to this week's Saturday Morning Cartoon... "The Mysterious Stranger" was a scene in the 1985 film The Adventures of Mark Twain, in which Tom, Huck, and Becky get a visit from a very familiar character...who teaches his lesson through an apocalyptic nightmare. You can learn more about this story on Wikipedia or even read the complete (but I believe unfinished) novel on The University of Viriginia's e-text server.

Attention Ebook Readers: Fictionwise.com to Close Shop

If you've been reading my ebooks since the early days (e.g., pre-Kindle), then there's a good chance you got them through Fictionwise.com -- one of the first successful ebook distributors, known for offering a wide array of genre fiction -- especially individual short stories -- for a very affordable price. You may have already known that they were "bought out" by Barnes and Noble a few years ago, to help support B&N's offerings for the Nook e-reader. Yesterday I was informed that I should backup all my own purchases and get ready for the site to close down. They have…

Live from the “Poedown Throwdown” at DV8 11.10.2012

I had a wonderful time reading poetry alongside Stephanie Wytovich (who read a battery of amazing "psycho ward" poetry) at DV8 Espresso Cafe & Gallery in Downtown Greensburg, PA, this past weekend. It was standing room only, there were a lot of laughs, and weirdness was definitely in high abundance. Among other things, I got to share my current Mutterverse experiment, which featured a slideshow of strange images...until the power went out on the projector, that is. But I just continued reading in the darkness, which was perfect. Perhaps the highlight of the night was a "Poedown Throwdown" slam poetry…