The Fourth

You imagine bruising the bully who once burned you with the firecracker down your pants -- beating then cutting him, exposing the bone and watching him bleed as you fork him onto the barbecue -- as the coals spit their fireworks: everything red, white and blue. Grill marks stark as prison bars on the meat as you celebrate your freedom and imagine.    

The Books Page is Alive

I've made some good progress on the new bibliography/book catalog for -- not complete yet, but most of the titles in print are ready to view. You can get to them through the "Books and Other Creative Works" button at the top of this page. Surprises lurk therein, from audio samples to downloadable excerpts to extended tables of contents and great photos. I've been slowly updating the entire website at this summer. I recently updated my bio page with some funky photos and updates, for instance, and I've set up a youtube channel (see the micro-buttons in the…

Photos from Seton Hill WPF Book Signing 2012

Our Writing Popular Fiction program at Seton Hill University took over the gymnasium and McKenna Center last night to host a mass book signing, and it was great to see so many new book releases from students, alums and faculty alike. It was fantastic to have two of my publishers in the house -- Raw Dog Screaming Press and Headline Books. Here's a few snapshots from the event. (You can see some from last year here, too.) Thanks to all who visited campus, dropped by my table, and picked up copies of The Gorelets Omnibus, Many Genres, One Craft, Play…

Reminder: Signing at Seton Hill U on Friday 6.22

Just a brief reminder that I'll be joining all the alums, students and faculty who are signing books this coming weekend for the In Your Write Mind workshop on the Seton Hill University campus in Greensburg, PA, this coming Friday, 6/22, from 7-9pm in the McKenna Athletic Center. At the book event (which they're calling a "Chocolate Covered Mass Book Signing") on Friday, over thirty writers from an array of genres will be selling and signing their books, including: Kate Martin, Shelley Bates, Victoria Thompson, Meg Mims, Jason Jack Miller, Heidi Ruby Miller, Lawrence C. Connolly, William Horner, Rachael Pruitt,…

New Art Series Begun: Demons of the Dark

I've begun a new series of original digital art called "Demons of the Dark" on my flickr gallery. Demons of the Dark will be an imaginary bestiary from the shadows of hell.  It kind of scares me. (Even scarier: in the spirit of the original gorelets poetry series, I'm creating these by 'fingerpainting' on my iPhone (using the great ArtStudio app)! Returning visitors to may recall that the site once hosted a gallery of its own (and information about all my books in a bibliography). These elements of the site are being rebuilt from scratch, and are not ready…