ICFA33 reflections

As you'll see in the long scroll of photos below, I was a lousy photographer this time around but generally had a good time at this year's International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts (ICFA 33), which transpired in Orlando, FL, last month (March 21-25, 2012). The photo brevity is a symptom of being overprogrammed and otherwise entirely focused on the events, rather than on shooting snaps. If you want photos, they're already out there, anyway. If you're looking for the best of the bunch, I recommend you drop by flickr and peruse the galleries of: James Patrick Kelly…

Former Gorelets Gallery Art Now on Flickr — and Announcing “Ambulations”

I'm still overhauling this website to consolidate things and make them easier for me to manage (so I can spend more time writing).  I recently pulled my microblog from the Posterous website (and dumped my pinterest account) and those posts are now happily reintegrated into this blog, which I'm trying to make more active as a genuine blog and less of a page for only sharing Goreletter department drafts.  I also started a new department on this blog, called "Ambulations," to make up for it:  it will feature mobile posts, road trip photos, and ideas jotted while on the move,…

The Freaksicord

Many see the Freaksicord as if it were a mirage when they first encounter it. It stands -- astonishingly -- like a walking stomach. Only as an afterthought does one notice the head, which dangles somewhere down below. Its head is so heavy with teeth, the neck can not bear its weight, and the head sometimes swings on its stalk like a pendulum between the beast’s stocky legs. Many presume that they might die between those muscular jaws, but what they don’t realize is that the neck, wings and head together function like a lever, lifting pray up into the…

Snarky Retorts to Classic Horror Movie Lines

"It was beauty that killed the beast." "Yeah. That and the syphillis." "Don't bury me, I'm not dead yet." "Oh, no? Allow me..." (shovel to the neck) (Aiming finger at the head) "Braaaiiiins...!" (Aiming pistol at the head) "Buuuulllets...!" "In space no one can hear you scream." "Oh no? Where IS Earth, anyway? That's right. It's floating in space, you freaking idiot. Let's see if anyone can hear you scream when I press this hot iron into your underarm..." "We have such sights to show you." "Like what? Your butterfly collection? Please, please. Let me show YOU what acupuncture really…