Support the Alpha Workshop Fundraiser – Bid on ‘Many Genres’

Check out the Alpha Workshop Fundraiser, which is a chance to donate to a scholarship fund for a worthy young genre writer's workshop and also pick up some excellent science fiction, fantasy and horror-related books and other services. Alpha is a fantastic workshop; I've taught there as a guest three times, and every time I've visited I've been very impressed by the students, who go on to publish and make a dent in the industry. For their fundraiser, I've contributed a signed copy of the how-to book I edited with Heidi Ruby Miller, Many Genres One Craft, to their fundraising…

More #SHUWPF Residency Photos

We're almost done with the weeklong Writing Popular Fiction residency at Seton Hill (graduation is tomorrow).  My photography has been sad and sorry, but here are some of the surviving shots I've managed to take.  Highlights in this batch include various horror authors associated with the program [from Scott Johnson to Stephanie Wytovich and Joseph Borelli] to the great events with our special guests, Sophie Littlefield, Rachael Herron and Juliet Blackwell.  

"Whatever the nightmare, one takes a role in it, one is the protagonist, one is something. It is at night that the disinherited man triumphs. If we were to suppress bad dreams, there would be mass revolutions." -- E.M. Cioran (died 1995)

A Revolutionary Thought

Day 1 of #shuwpf writer’s residency at Seton Hill (plus: a dog)

Scattered opportunities to take photos today.  Of note in this set: + One group who calls themselves "The Troublemakers" (which they are!) is wearing t-shirts that all feature a quote from me  -- my motto (inspired by something I read from Janet Burroway):  "Only trouble is interesting!")  Very sweet to see this!  What a fun -- and interesting -- group. + I've long heard rumors of an adjunct (not from our program) that sneaks a greyhound dog with her into classes on campus.  I think I found the culprit.  The dog is cute, but it should get off my couch!…