Photos – Launch of Jan 12 Writing Pop Fiction MFA residency #shuwpf

Just a few random shots taken during tonight's opening orientation for the writer's residency at Seton Hill.  I was so caught up in conversations and greetings that I regret I neglected to take more photos.  I'll try to get more and post as the week progresses.  Workshops, classes, and thesis presentations will last till next Wednesday.  Tomorrow I teach a course in "Critiquing and Clarity" in addition to a module on pop culture theory, following an early morning discussion of the Mystery genre, using Jo Nesbo's book THE SNOWMAN to focus our discussion. 

Jumping the Zombie Shark!

I saw this (Zombie Sudoku) in a bookstore today.  Had to take a photograph and share with you all.  Sorry it's so blurry.  I was crying a tear for my genre. But really, I should have seen this coming when "hard" sudoku became superceded by "evil" sudoku in many puzzle books.  While technically, "satanic sudoku" should have come next, it was only a matter of time before "zombie sudoku" took the place of that. But I think it would have been much more challenging to release "parasitic sudoku" or maybe "bacterial infection sudoku" instead.  Or maybe just "leech sudoku".  Yeah,…